Customer stories
Nelonen Media’s Playout and Media Logistics
Media Tailor has been operating the Media Logistics and Playout of Nelonen Media’s linear TV channels and Ruutu VoD/SVoD channels since November 2016.
Sanoma Media Finland is the leading media house in Finland. Almost 100% of Finnish people spend time with Sanoma’s print and digital media every week. Nelonen Media is a part of Sanoma Media Finland and a leading broadcasting group focusing on TV and radio.
Digitalization of markets and expansion of OTT means that especially multichannel media houses like Nelonen have to adapt quickly.
Different file formats, several delivery and distribution platforms and systems with no integrations, cause time consuming processes and more manual tasks.
Manual tasks on the other hand cause high risks for human error – manual monitoring also takes much time, is hard or even impossible to report and more importantly is very expensive.
When Media Tailor started to build Enterprise Solution for Nelonen the core was our Service Platform. What does the customer want to achieve and why? What is the result that we are pursuing here? All processes were considered and data-driven workflows tailored keeping these major questions in mind.
Integration with in-house ERP was of course obligatory in Nelonen’s case to ensure that the data-driven and scalable solution allows to publish multiple formats to multiple platforms. This feature was also executed using automation.
Automated workflows are being run based on the metadata that has been collected using different integrations. This makes the service environment very reliable and supervision of different operations more smooth and transparent.
Media Operators monitor all the operations that need human touch with top class profession and they make sure that Nelonen Media’s linear TV channels have 24/7 control.
Customized workflows create enhanced coordination model of media logistics of domestic and international materials, ads and promos.
Fully automated and flexible workflows combined with tailored processes allow quick changes. Scalable platform and in-house support enables rapid development – when Nelonen’s business needs to adapt as markets change our solution is being tailored at the same time.
Automation and scheduled actions minimize the risks for human error and professional staff ensures that all manual operations are being performed accordingly.
We offer solutions for both small and large media companies. Contact us and let’s find the best solution for your company.