Customer stories
Post Production System
As Flatlight Creative House’s operations grew and the production equipment was recently updated, an upgrade was needed on the post side too. Previously, there was a system based on machine-specific Thunderbolt hard drive packs and a 1GB intranet.
The first camera used in Flatlight, RED Weapon, produces a significant amount of data and needs to have enough space for it. The connections on the hard disks must also be fast enough to run RED RAW on multiple machines. As VR productions increases, the amount of data will increase even more, and for this purpose, Flatlight needed an upgradeable hard drive system.
The new system required 4-8 edit machines with a “fast” (RED RAW rotation 10GBE) connection and 3-6 machines with a “slow” 1GB connection (proxy-filet 1 GBE). The grade unit required a work display and a 4k client monitor. In addition, there was a need for an LTO-based archiving system.
Ease and freedom of maintenance were two important criteria for Flatlight when choosing a system. So Flatlight approached TV Tools.
“I researched the solutions that already existed and found an example that I used to approach TV Tools. The example outlined our needs and the idea behind. TV Tools had just the equipment that fitted our needs.”
Jani Johansén,
Flatlight Creative House
Jani says that after the configuration, the working NAS of the hard drive pack has worked great. Grade is also satisfied with Tangent Devices’ Element interface and the monitor used. The video cards from Blackmagic Design and AJA were also made to work together.
In addition to the system, the project communication was a success:
“Our questions are being answered quickly and we speak the same language. Even dialect differences are quickly translated into Finnish.”
Jani Johansén,
Flatlight Creative House